Ranked Match
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Ranked Match is done between 2 players in real-time, similarly to Quick Match. The lucrative of Ranked Match is the high risk-high reward features it borne: massive Purrize Pool that will be distributed to the top 1.000 players at the end of Ranked Match season. Each Ranked Match season last for 3 months.
To participate in a Ranked Match, each player needs to spend $GGX 1 as an entry fee. Unlike the Quick Match, the NFT Purrior will not be able to find $GGX utility token in Ranked Match regardless of their stamina, in exchange, the winner of Ranked Match will receive $GGX 1,75 for winning a match.
This reward distribution designed to ensure the total Purrize Pool continuously increasing as more players actively participating in Ranked Matches while maintain the rewarding nature per matches. Reward distribution per match can be seen on the following details:
Winner: $GGX 1,75 + 50% chance to get 1 random Cat Food or Mineral
Loser: 1 random Cat Food or Mineral + 50% chance to get another 1 random Cat Food or Mineral
After each Ranked Match, The $GGX 1,75 will be distributed to the winning player while the rest of $GGX 0,25 will then be attributed to Purrize Pool and Purraria development treasury with the following distribution:
Winning Players: $GGX 1,75 (82,5% of total entry fees)
Cat Pool: $GGX 0,2375 (11,875% of total entry fees)
Development treasury: $GGX 0,0125 (0,625% of total entry fees)